Put More Happiness in Your Life
Submitted by Jodi Melsness, Home Care Solutions
Here are some quick and simple ways to put more happiness into your life.
Choose Your Attitude and Invest in Yourself
- Practice appreciation. It is the purest form of love.
- Make your own choices. Freedom brings happiness.
- Lead with your strengths. Cultivate what you do well.
- “Talk yourself happy”. Words affect our emotions and energy.
- Invest in yourself. Balance work, health and relationships.
Stay Fit: Exercise and Walking
- Dress for the weather. Wear loose fitting clothing. Adjust to the temperature by removing layers as you build up heat and energy. Be prepared for weather changes.
- Wear comfortable shoes/boots/socks. Choose waterproof shoes/boots that provide adequate traction.
- Look for routes that are well maintained. Have an inside location for rainy days.
Feel Good: Enjoy Nature at Its Best
- Take a long walk in the sunshine.
- Read a book in a comfortable chair.
- Stay active. Spend time outdoors with a hobby such as gardening.
- Brighten your home. Pull shades all the way up. Use strong lighting.
- Brighten your wardrobe by adding cheerful, light colored clothing.
- Attend outdoor concerts and art festivals.
Eat Well: Take Time to Enjoy Meals, Companionship
- Add a new dimension to your meals with new dishes, flatware and serving pieces.
- Invest in a new electric frying pan or crock-pot for a slow cooked meal.
- Use creative menus. Change your weekly menu. Invest in a new cookbook. Check magazines for new recipes and ideas on nutrition.
- Adjust your schedule to enjoy meals together as a family or with friends.
Enjoy a happy new you!