How To Leave The Home You’ve Lived in for 40 years
Submitted by Kathleen McGonagle, Rose’s Daughters
If at all possible, plan on moving first and THEN clearing and selling the house. By moving and then selling you will avoid contending with open houses and potential buyers wanting to see the house, and you won’t have to clean and clear out closets and the garage in preparation for selling. Realtors specializing in helping seniors sell their homes can advise you on the wisdom of doing this.
Most seniors downsize when they move. Downsizing can be difficult. It helps to focus on the things in your home that you love. Keep saying, “I’ll take what I love.” Take what has meaning for you, even if you haven’t used it in a while. Take what you love.
Create a floor plan for the new space. Make space for the things you love. You may be surprised by how much will fit in the new space. If space forces you to choose between some loved items, the decision will be easier you see the floorplan on paper.
Most seniors fret and lose sleep in the weeks and days prior to the move. Reduce the amount of time that you are in clutter and chaos and keep you current home as ordered and organized for as long as possible. Leave things in place that you will not be moving until after you move.
Sorting is exhausting. Don’t wear yourself out with it. Moving an entire china cabinet or the contents of a closet is often easier than sorting it, and in the end, you might feel more at home if you keep then entire china cabinet, unsorted.
If family and friends are moving you, then plan enough help on moving day to settle quickly. Don’t let them leave you with unpacked boxes and clutter after the move. Quickly recreate your home.